Dunlap School Board Policy 7:60 and the Illinois School Code state that students must live within the district's boundaries in order to attend our schools. We verify residency on an annual basis to ensure that we are operating in accordance with the law and utilizing taxpayer dollars to educate students from our community.
Families new to the district, students who are transitioning to a different building or level, and families that do not own their property will need to produce required documentation before registering for the school year.
In order to prove residency, you must provide to the school copies of ONE document from Category A (below) and TWO documents from Category B (below). Please note that a notary is available at the Dunlap Community Unit School District #323’s district office located at 400 South 4th Street, Dunlap, Illinois 61525
Category A
Category B
▢ Most recent real estate tax bill for your residence showing enrollee’s parent or guardian as taxpayer
▢ Signed lease for residence, including lessor’s telephone number and proof of last month’s payment or proof of security deposit.
▢ Closing statement for the purchase of in- district residence
▢ Notarized form
▢ Letter of Residence from Property Owner/Lease in Lieu of Lease. E1
▢ Letter of Residence to be used when the person seeking to enroll a student is living with a district resident. E2
▢ Evidence of non-parent custody, control, and responsibility of a student. E3
▢ Current Driver’s License
▢ Current Water, Gas or Electric bill
▢ Current Voter Registration Card
▢ Current Home/Apartment insurance certificate
▢ Current State of Illinois automobile registration
▢ Current Credit Card Bill
▢ Current Bank Statement
*Every item in category B must be current with the enrollment address
Military Personnel Enrolling a Student for the 1st Time Within Dunlap School District #323.
Any military personnel enrolling a student for the first time must provide one of the following within 60 days after the date of student’s initial enrollment
▢ Postmarked mail addressed to military personnel
▢ Proof of ownership of residence
▢ Lease agreement for occupancy
Military Personnel Wanting to Keep Child/Ward Enrolled in the District Despite Having Changed Residence Due to a Military Service Obligation
Upon submitting a written request, the student’s residence will be deemed to be unchanged for the duration of the custodian’s military service obligation.
The District is not responsible for the student’s transportation to and from school.
Military Personnel Placing Non-Resident Child/Ward with Non-Custodial Parent While on Active Military Duty.
A student will not be charged tuition while he or she is placed with a non-custodial parent (a person who has temporary custody of a child of active duty military personnel and who is responsible for making decisions for the child).
Any “special power of attorney” created by the student’s parent/guardian for the District to follow must be provided.
A special power of attorney authorizes: (1) the student to enroll in a district of the non-custodial parent, and (2) the non-custodial parent to make decisions for the student. Any special power of attorney will be filed in the student’s temporary record.
We are pleased to offer a customer-friendly electronic residency verification process as an important step in the registration process. Each year, we verify the residency of all students. Electronic residency verification allows us to provide better customer service to our families and reduce costs. We have contracted with a third party platform that provides us with current address information that allows us to verify each family’s address information electronically. We anticipate that the majority of our students’ addresses will be electronically verified.
If we are unable to electronically verify a family’s residency, we will notify the family in writing and request residency verification documentation. The information is required before the student will be allowed to attend Dunlap Community School District 323.
The School District reserves the right to evaluate the evidence presented, and merely presenting the items listed above does not guarantee admission. Per the Illinois School Code, “A person who knowingly or willfully presents to any School District any false information regarding the residency of a pupil for the purpose of enabling that pupil to attend any school in that District without the payment of a non-resident tuition charge shall be guilty of a Class C Misdemeanor. ” (105 ILCS 5/10- 20.12b)